Elder Law Newsletters

Community-Based Services - Older Americans Act And Related Programs - Community-Based Services

The Older Americans Act (OAA) network coordinates and provides community-based care for older Americans. The network includes federal, state, tribal, and local organizations dedicated to aging issues, as well as local providers of elderly services.

Part A - Eligibility, Enrollment, and Diagnostic Related Groups

Part A provides hospital coverage to individuals who are eligible and enrolled in Medicare, the federal government's health care insurance program. Medicare uses diagnostic related groups (DRGs) to determine payment levels for services provided for varying diagnoses.

Social Security - Administrative Appeals Procedure

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has established guidelines for the review of decisions unfavorable to applicants.

Social Security - Representation and Fees

Those requesting benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) have a right to be represented in their proceedings if they so wish. They may choose to use lawyers or non-lawyers as their representatives.

Unfair and Deceptive Insurance Practices; Rebating

In the insurance business, rebating is a practice whereby something of value is given to sell the policy that is not provided for in the policy itself. An example of rebating is when the prospective insurance buyer receives a refund of all or part of the commission for the insurance sale. Rebates can be made in the form of cash, gifts, services, payment of premiums, employment, or almost any other thing of value.